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Updated: Jan 9

 Preparing for your Sacred Secretion time phase is very straight forward.


First, you need to find out when the moon is going to be in your birth sign (this is your sacred secretion time phase).


If you don’t know how to do this already, please watch this video:

 Once you know when your days are, it’s a good idea to have a rough idea of what you’re going to eat or drink during the time phase.


You might choose to do a juice fast, a water fast or to eat a simple plant-based diet – it will really depend on you as an individual to choose the option that suits your lifestyle and current needs.


I gave examples of the foods to avoid and what your daily diet might look like in this other previous video:

I personally follow the juice fast laid out in the video above and I usually make all of the juices the day before the moon is moving into my sun sign -- You can find the recipes on YouTube or here on the website at


Once you’ve made your decisions, do a spot of shopping to make sure you have everything that you specifically need for the duration of your practice readily available.


If you’ve choosing to eat a simple plant-based diet it’s a good idea to have things like celery sticks readily prepared, so you don’t get caught out when you’re on the fly!


You can also prepare for the sacred secretion by making your diary as free as possible over your practice days, so you have time to relax and spend time doing yoga, nature walks, meditations, journaling, reading and any other spiritual practices that appeal to you. 


Personally, my favourite revitalising practices are yoga, prayer, and singing/chanting mantras and or praise and worship songs. This always fills me with gratitude, raises my vibration and allows the free flow of breath, living waters, and health boosting hormones through my systems.


I know it’s not easy to free your days completely, and this really doesn’t matter as long as you remain in a disposition of loving awareness (Bhakti) for the duration of your time phase.


In my course, Super Consciousness Awakening on teachable, I laid out specific prayers and mantras to use at this time. There are also several effective practices listed here:


The final thing you can do in preparation of your sacred secretion time-phase is a welcoming practice or setting your intentions.

This could be something as simple as saying a prayer highlighting what you feel you're struggling with and what you’d like to overcome and asking for divine favour to carry you through the process easily and effortlessly. 


If you find yourself stuck for words, use this welcoming prayer.  All you need to do is read it aloud three times through, really feeling the words and being completely sincere as you say them.


The welcoming prayer is the practice of actively letting go of the thoughts and feelings that support the false-self system. It embraces all the emotions experienced in the body rather than avoiding them or trying to suppress them. It embraces the presence of True Source Love as the healing and revitalising force within. It is a full acceptance of contentment in the present moment. In giving the experience over to True Source Love the false system is gradually undermined and transmuted to realise the liberation of your innate divinity.


This prayer is absolutely wonderful for putting you into the right frequency and frame of mind to receive healing and preserve and raise the sacred secretion.

“Welcome, welcome, welcome.

I welcome everything that comes to me in this moment because I know it is for my healing.


I welcome all thoughts, feelings, emotions, persons, situations, and conditions.


I let go of my desire for security.

I let go of my desire for approval.

I let get of my desire to change any situation, condition, person, or myself.




If this doesn’t resonate with you a great alternative welcoming practice is the chakra prayer:


May divine love manifest itself in you all, always and in all ways.




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THE SACRED SECRETION | Your Complete Guide to Kundalini Energy, Christ Oil, Alchemy and the Monthly Seed BOOK

THE REGENERATION CALENDAR | Sacred Secretion Timing (Moon in Sun Sign Planner)

THE GOD DESIGN BOOK (Full explanation of the Sacred Secretion):

ELEVATION BOOK (A Study of the Book of Revelation):

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